Saturday, 31 October 2015


We've recently been doing some interesting prospective work on FPGAs with VHDL and I thought it would be cool to try and update to support the VHDL language.

Cyber Dojo has been our in-house training tool of choice for a long time now. It essentially enables you to practise programming the TDD way in a web-based environment. Multiple developers can join the same dojo session and we all review together at the end.

The first challenge was setting up a development envrionment for Cyber Dojo, which essentially meant getting a "Ruby on Rails" Linux server up and running. I chose to do this from scratch rather than paying for an image, so I went for the Manjaro distribution for a few reasons :

1. It's Arch based, and Arch is relatively lightweight
2. If we were using raw Arch it would be a pain the ass
3. I've used Manjaro before and it was relatively painless

After some fiddling around, I decided to use the command line of Passenger to create a development HTTP server using our forked cyber dojo code. Passenger can also run through Apache but it looked like a lot more of a faff.

All credit to my team member Pablo Mansanet who then found GHDL here :

... and created the relevant docker files + other changes to Cyber Dojo to support the VHDL language.

We tried it internally (twice).... ironed out a couple of problems (largely related to renaming files)... pull-requested to Jon Jagger.... and wham! VHDL is now supported by Cyber Dojo :)

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity hiker_testbench is
end hiker_testbench;

architecture test_fixture of hiker_testbench is
   signal meaning_of_life_test : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
   UUT: entity work.hiker port map (meaning_of_life_test);

       wait for 1 ns; -- Signal propagation
       assert (meaning_of_life_test = "00101010") -- 42
               report "Meaning of life value incorrect"
               severity failure;
       assert false report "End of test" severity note;
   end process;
end test_fixture;

If you fancy a more appropriate challenge than the existing exercises, we implemented a "half adder" as a test exercise which didn't stretch any of our less VHDL-savvy developers too badly (and also provided a base for a full adder so the guys who have more experience could leap ahead).

Enjoy! :)

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